I have not made a video in a while making videos for me, as has always been like my escape my passion. That thing I love doing, but I've been struggling to find focus lately, and I think that that is um. I think it's true for a lot of people. I've been out protesting every day since they began in the shadow of George Floyd's murder, and I wanted to explain why I've been protesting and what it is that I'm protesting.

Okay, you're asleep in your bed and you're at home, and it's after midnight and all of a sudden you're sleep in that bed. Your girlfriend's, next to you, boom door, gets kicked in three men, smashing your door and they come running into your home and you you're worried about your girlfriend. So you grab your gun, which you're legally permitted to have, and you see these three dudes you shoot up. One of them you hit him in the leg and the three guys that just broke into your house that just smashed on your door.

They respond by firing 20 shots, eight of which hit your girlfriend and she's dead. And then you get taken away and handcuffs by the three men that just broke into your apartment and killed your girlfriend. Her name was Brianna Taylor. She was 26 years old.

She worked as a technician in an emergency room and she's dead, and the three men that shot her were cops. They were in plain clothes. They had something called a no-knock search warrant which permitted them to bus in that door, totally unannounced and all the night, and they did all this because they thought that she had drugs in her apartment. Those cops, the police, they didn't find any drugs because she didn't.

She didn't have any drugs, her apartment, that was March 13, that was three months ago and the three men who shot her eight times and killed her they've faced no punishment, that's not just that's not right, and if there are laws that say that that's okay, that Are protecting these three men who killed her? Then those laws are wrong and whether it's a knee on your neck for nine minutes until you asphyxiate and die because you use the counterfeit $ 20 bill or you're strangled to death and it chokehold on a sidewalk. Because you were selling individual cigarettes she's not supposed to do, none of that's just none of that is justice. No, no! That's! Okay, and it it if you've got a conscience, you you want that to change and change is really hard. You vote! You speak up.

You promote politicians or people who can affect change, who have the same values as you, but sometimes you have to take to the streets. Sometimes you March you, you force your voice to be heard this right now. This is a moment, and this is a moment that will be discussed and talked about for the rest of our lives and right now that discussion is muddled and it's muddled by the looters and criminals who are using peaceful discourse, peaceful protesting as an excuse for criminality. It's muddled by police that are tear gassing demonstrators for a photo shooting stand in front of a boarded up church and it's modeled by these sensational instances that make for that make for compelling television.
But if you look just beyond the you're seeing on the news every night, you look just beyond that sensationalism. If you don't, let yourself be distracted, you can see what's actually taking place right now and you see people all over this country in all 50 states. All 50 states and all over the world standing up against injustice, standing up for racial equality, standing up for black people who have contributed to the growth and success of this country, just as much as anyone else, but have never been able to enjoy the same freedoms As everyone else, racism in America is real, if you don't, if you don't believe me scroll down, look at the comments on this video but and when you don't think something is real when you don't think something is a problem because that something doesn't affect you personally, That's called that's that's privileged now, I'm not scared of a cop, not scared of police. I've never been scared when a police officer pulls me over my car, I've never feared for my life.

I'm not concerned that I might not get a bank loan, or at least in an apartment or get the full attention of a doctor in a hospital because of the color of my skin. These things just don't occur to me and that that is privileged. That's that that's privileged knowing knowing what to do with that privilege is really hard, but you can use that privilege to hold other people accountable when you see racism taking place, that's where it matters behind closed doors, when no one is looking. That's where progress can begin and vote voting is not sexy.

Lori's never talking about voting is not sexy. It takes time slow, but voting works. Ella jones just became the first black mayor, the first woman to be mayor of Ferguson Missouri and on that same day that she was elected mayor representative, Steve King from Iowa, vocal racists was voted out of office after 17 years. That's progress, though, because this this right now this is our time and in this whole monologue by saying everyone loves to quote dr.

Martin Luther King. They love to put his face on Instagram love, to put his words on Twitter, but ask yourself this: when it was his time. Would you have marched alongside him because he wasn't loved, then he wasn't celebrated. He was vilified in the same kind of vitriol.

That's being used against the critics of this movement, that betrayal was used against him. He's dangerous he's inciting violence, he's not protesting the right way. He's racist when he and other nonviolent activists marched from Selma to Montgomery, because because they wanted the same voting rights as non blacks, they were met with violence and hatred. Would you have shown up so that was 50 years ago, and that was their moment, and this is ours and you have to honestly look in the mirror and knowing that this will be remembered.
Ask yourself: how do you want to remember your role in this, and with that I say: let's go let's put on our boots because it's time to March.

By Casey

9 thoughts on “What Black Lives Matter Protests are really about”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Hoselton says:

    You said that it was legal for a black man to have it done in his house. What you fail to mention is that it was also legal for the police to break into the house, if they were not permitted inside. The police were doing their job, and the black man only made it more difficult for them to do their job. Because of him, his girlfriend is dead.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jihn Chu says:

    BLM are a terrorist group. Also 3 black officers got ambushed. Where is BLM? BLM destroys billions of dollars of stuff/buildings. Also He was not a no knock warrant. Also the person who died the lady. Was not a good person at all. She had a dead body in her car YEARS ago. She was also a drug dealer.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathanael Griffith says:

    They actually announce “Police!” They didn’t come to the door. When they had enough the broke in and a man shot one of them. They fired back, and in the cross fire sadly his girlfriend died. She got shot on accident in the cross fire of both the police and the criminal. They did their job.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alex holtta 2 says:

    I recpect black live but I don't recpect criminal no matter their skin colour but I don't recpect the marxist communist violent blm movement Wich are destroying people's properties and doing anti capitalism things blm movement is just a cultural marxist movement

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan noringer says:

    Casey, you aren't telling the police position, and you're leaving out a ton of the facts, what about the guy murdering a white person ? What about him being a drug pusher? You are a master of the story, but by not telling the Whole truth, you undermine your credibility. Get it right or keep it to yourself.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 😒BLM trejurey depourtment🤔 says:

    Now while he sounds woken tough notice that this white man did not give his stuff up to the BLM mob who comes like a slob they got time to beg you cuz they ain't got no job

    it's a sucker play you fell into The Fray all they plan to do is take your money away

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LISTERINE says:

    Only a few racists left in the world, can't change some people, stop talking about it. You keep saying black people are being targeted everywhere will just scare blacks from trying their best to achieve something personal, rather than seeing themselves as victims.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cardinal says:

    there's 800,000 cops in america, millions of interactions with police everyday, the FBI uniformed crime division did a study and found that in the year 2019 9 unarmed african americans were shot by law enforcement out of 43 million african americans, that's not a threat to the black community. What is a threat is the gang violence that goes on everyday in urban cities. We need more policing in those areas to enforce the gang violence so people aren't shooting each other.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael A says:

    This 53 year old Black man, whose personally lived through a lot of traumatic experiences because of racism in our country, thanks you from the bottom of his heart.

    You didn’t have to take this position. You certainly didn’t have to vocalize your position and risk marring your own reputation and success with your viewers.

    So thank you for being a good man, Casey. I pray those who may not listen to me might listen to you.

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