thank you for such an amazing visit Poland. looking forward to coming back to Warsaw.
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Where was the scooter riding?
Ale gówno XD
Poland is a fantastic place and great Poles who fought for freedom. Thank you to this Polish nation.
Pozdrawiam z Polski Amerykanów! 🇵🇱 🤝 🇺🇲
Casey wtedy był u szczytu, gwiazda youtube, era przed wybuchem tiktoka. Ej, hejterzy, myślicie, że taka osoba przyjedzie za 100 000 PLN? Ten film trafił do ponad miliona osób, przedstawia Polskę w dobrym, nowoczesnym świetle.
Niech Trzaskowski pokaże swoje umowy, gdzie miliony lecą. Albo … już nie pamiętacie jak PO straciło 5 MLN złotych na koncercie Madonny i to w 2012??!!
Wow, you showed nothing for this 300 000$ video. It's not an advertisement for our country. It's anti-advertising.
Co za gówno…
Żenada. Niech oddaje kasę i usuwa film. Aż zal promować ten kraj z gówna i mogiły
Dislike for that they used my tax money to produce this lameness.
The video is so poor. What a waste of money.
yeah, those scooters are a safety hazard, not just while riding in the rain – some of the users are irresponsible fscks and leave them haphazardly wherever it pleases them. Those are loitering the public space 🤷
Also, don't know if someone told you – the hotel you stayed at was "recently" renovated, but it's actually pre-WW2 and it was the city's first skyscraper at that time ☺️ also, that's the biggest value of your video – to have a glimpse at the luxury inside 😁
Casey was paid around 310K USD to visit and promote Poland. And that’s the result? Pretty lame. Come in for a few summer days, not just for one and rainy.
And of course polish government. Money “well spent” as always 😢 the guy even didn’t put a country name in the tittle. Slacker
That crappy video cost Polish taxpayers a 250k $. Where is something special about my country? Its an antipromotional video. Patethic.
you know what this video needs?….