

Oct 11, 2023

Ready, Look at this guy. look at the guy in red she got the hair. that's me in Israel I think in Jerusalem in 2005. Um, if you're Jewish you have to go on this free trip called Birthright Israel It's fun.

It's like uh, it's like summer camp. You go to Israel with a bunch of people your age and you get to do cool stuff and learn. It's like a field trip is great. Um I'm not religious at all but I'm Jewish I'm a very proud Jew and I've always been aware of my Jewishness.

When I was a little kid, it was holidays at Nana's house. it was going to synagogue on holidays because that meant I got to skip school uh when I was a little bit older like maybe when I was a teenager I remember Steven Spielberg's Epic movie Schindler's List coming out and I remember like I remember very specifically watching that movie understanding that that film was like a very true to life depiction of things that actually happened here on planet Earth a a graphic, iny face representation of the Holocaust and I remember watching that movie and thinking like why didn't the Jews just stop being Jewish so they wouldn't get shot I didn't understand then that to be a Jew that that's your ethnicity and to hate someone because they're Jewish is not to hate a People based on their actions or their politics or who they choose as their God but it's to hate them because of who they are and and watching that movie even as a kid. I I Never understood why the bad guys hated them so much. It made no sense to me.

and I'm older now and maybe just slightly less naive. but to hate a people just because of who they are still doesn't make any sense to me. I Don't get it and look, the situation in the Middle East is complicated and to call it complicated is a wild over simplification. It's a conflict that's thousands of years old.

It's a conflict you can read about in the Bible, the Romans fought over Jerusalem, the First World War, the Bal for declaration, the Second World War 1948, 1967, 1973, 1982, and on and on. It's nuanced. It's complicated, and despite the world's very best efforts for peace, no no one seems to be able to figure it out. I Certainly don't understand it.

It is too complicated for me. What's not complicated though, is what happened last Saturday when members of Hamas set out on a mission with a singular goal to kill as many Jews as possible. They murdered, raped, mutilated, kidnapped Jewish women, Grandma's kids, kids, and entire families. And look, war.

War has existed for all of human history and all. war is violence. There's not much morality in any of it, but there's a reason why history singles out the truly reprehensible and when it comes to Walking Door Todo shooting families in their homes or killing 260 young people. An electronic dance music festival? um, a lot of those 26 60 innocent young people.

were shot in the back as they were running away, kidnapping a young woman, violently raping her and then parading her through the streets to cheering crowds or uh or or finding out yesterday confirmed report that uh, about 40 dead babies were were discovered, some of them still in their cribs. There's no moral equivalency here. There's no yeah, but there's no just justifying that kind of barbarism because of a cause. It is horror and demonic and the very worst that humans any humans are capable of.
And I'm making this video not because I'm the best person to deliver this information. Read the news if you want to know what's going on. I Do not have a deep understanding of the geopolitical situation in the Middle East or some naive answer to a conflict that is thousands of years old. and despite this awesome t-shirt that I have on uh, you know I'm not here to give the peace sign and say can't we all just get along I'm making this video to be as vocal as possible uh in in calling out anti-Semitism when I see it anti-Semitism that is to hate Jewish people simply because of who they are Jewish wanting peace for Palestinians that's not anti-semitic questioning or criticizing the Israeli government or its leaders for their action that is not inherently anti-semitic That's that's an important dialogue that everyone concerned should be engaged it.

But what happened what happened Saturday was not motivated by a desire for land or Freedom or any political agenda. It was about killing Jews Hamas The perpetrators of of that violence Hamas has a singular Mission and they're not secretive about it. Um, you can read Hamas's Charter it's online. you got to dig around but you can find it online and that Charter makes it clear.

it's not about land. It's not about helping the people of Palestine live prosperous or happy lives. It is about killing. Jews These are not Freedom Fighters They're racist murderers.

The day of judgment will not come about until fight Jews and kill them. Then the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees and the rocks and trees will cry out There's a Jew hiding behind me. Come and kill him. That is A That is a poorly translated but direct quote from the Hamas Charter a publicly stated goal of the murderers.

So when I see on social media um especially by post by people that I know attempts at justifying the acts of these Savages by by equivocating it um, activists so calleded activists rushing to say there are reasons why it's okay that those families were murdered or or or people who can look at a video of a girl being pulled out of a truck with blood pouring from her pants after she's been gang raped and say say all resistance is Justified My question is like on what grounds do you make such claims have you no Humanity can you not separate the desire for peace or land or whatever your goals might be from these heinous acts like where do you have to go in your brain before you can stop seeing them murder of babies in their cribs as just that, murders of babies and instead see it as just It is incomprehensible to me. The people who who marched the day after the attacks holding up a sign that read by any means necessary really any means look that of course there are innocent Palestinian victims out out there who need support who need a voice. But Hamas the people who committed these barbaric acts. They're not serving those people.
That's not their goal. their mission is singular. it's to kill people because of who they are because they're Jewish and look I know a lot of a lot of folks are are scared to speak up or or speak out in support of their Jewish friends because is a complicated situation. Nobody wants to say the wrong thing but know that that Jewish people know that your Jewish friends when they see scenes like this that's a that's a large group of people chanting gas the Jews in Sydney Australia like 2 days ago when they see scenes like that.

What hurts what hurts Jewish people more than those scenes is when non-jew are silent when their peers are too afraid to speak out against that kind of blatant hatred that kind of blatant anti-Semitism All right, these videos I Don't like making these videos. These are my least favorite kind of videos to make.

By Casey

11 thoughts on “Jew”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Haider Razzaq says:

    I love Casey, I think he’s inspired so many. This war or conflict or G-word that people use. Terrible, heartbreaking but influencers speaking on it just feels strange

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 0MissElizabeth0 says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wiximi_🥱🏖️ says:

    Thank you

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars k a l a n i says:

    Reconsider who ur friends are

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SNIDE says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Huttonnn says:

    Them boys hit you up and told you that you need to make a video about it eh?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jimijackson says:

    I live in Australia and I do NOT agree with that crowd. What happened was wrong period. Nobody on either side should be killing the other.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey A Medrano says:

    Jesus loves you

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars La Juan says:

    casey clearly doesn't understand this. sure hamas is in Gaza but what about the West Bank there isn't Hamas there and people continue to get land stolen and their family killed. i wish casey educated himself before he made this video yes people died on october 7 but so have Palesntians for the past 75 years. oppression and occupation will always lead to violent uprising if kept the same. its not complicated but rather very simple on a humanity level.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cohen Blair says:

    Probably the best understanding of this time I’ve heard. ❤❤ great job Casey

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Toster Crew says:

    thsnk you, Casey

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