be sure to check out PROJECT POWER on Netflix. my friends workd on the movie for like 3 years. im so so happy for them!
remixes by

See that look at the size of that well right there look at that. It's it's not clickbait! This is the totally true story of how jamie foxx the movie star, hit me in the face and gave me like a give me a black eye. I am a terrible actor get back to set now so i've talked before about my friends, ariel shulman and henry juiced. These are like friends of mine when i was young and we used to make like stupid, fun.

Videos together, we're still super close, but when i went like the degenerate route of being like a youtuber, they went like the pro filmmaker root and now they're like big wig hollywood filmmakers. Now i know this is a big deal movie like a huge huge hollywood movie beyond jamie foxx, joseph gordon-levitt's, in it and dominique fishbacker in it huge movie stars. But when you show up on set - and you see what like a movie of this caliber, looks like it's incredibly intimidating a little bit of context here, the movie is called project power and the premise of the movie is that, like you, can take this one pill And it gives you like a superhero power, but you don't know what that power is going to be like. Maybe it makes you like incredibly strong or bulletproof, or turns you into like a fire person or makes you invisible or makes it so you can climb up buildings or it could be anything like turns you into a superhero, but only for five minutes, and also it Could kill you, that's the premise of the movie great movie, it's out on netflix.

You should check it out, but that that's the context of this situation. You know what it means to be um to be type cast. Typecasting is when, like you, assign a movie role to an actor who, in real life, is like that character like if your character in the movie is like a really handsome charming funny guy, you hire channing tatum, that's typecasting! So in this movie my character, the role that i play is that of a total douchebag, who rides a motorcycle type cast and in my opening scene i roll up with, like my movie girlfriend, who is like this total babe who's is not my wife that took Some getting used to and her name is jazzy and i have to like drive up on my motorcycle and get off my motorcycle and spoiler alert, not really i'm in the movie for like 30 seconds, and i like get off my motorcycle. I'm like this tough guy and like bump into jamie foxx in action.

This sounds easy and probably because it is for any normal actor, but i screwed it up and we had to do the take like 10 times and one of those times i turned to jamie and i was like hey: how do you think i did that time And he was like he's like i don't know man, i'm not the director. I asked those guys and he pointed at henry and rail and i was like cool. That's a true story like what i felt like such an idiot because like to see jamie foxx in real life - i i am the biggest fan of this guy, but this is his world like he is this actor and he takes what he does so seriously and He's so good on set and he's such a good, like he's just such a good performer, and on top of that he's like just strikingly handsome in real life and like this, is our first scene together and i'm just like screwing it up left and right. But then the big scene happens.
We enter this underground like nightclub bar, and this was in like a set like in a huge, sound stage. They built this whole set and there's like 20 stunt guys in there, and this huge battle is supposed to go down in there. Okay, so in this set. This is the stunt squad here, these guys they're, really good fighters so on the set here, they're about to shoot a big action sequence with lots of explosions - and i kept getting in trouble because i kept playing with the prop guns and they were just props, but They were all really cool, but, like the prop master, is in charge of the guns, he doesn't want people touching them.

There's a pattern here in that pattern is that i was not like. I was not as professional on set as i should have been. This is all a learning experience for me. I think, like one of the more impressive things that the like the professional actors and actresses on set could do is in between takes, they could be having fun like jamie, in particular, had a backpack that was a boombox and he was playing music between takes everyone's.

Having a good time, then it's work time boom he's a pro again. This is silly to say, but like that's so different from making youtube videos or making non-fiction videos where it's like you're, always kind of capturing the reality, but on these sets you have to get into character and you have to own that character all right. So my big scene - and this is a spoiler but i'm not giving much away because my like my role in this movie has almost no bearing on like the broader plot line. But my scene goes like this me and my girlfriend go into this bar and then my girlfriend goes into this like chamber and she's gon na demo.

The power pill like the pill that gives you the superhero power, but things go horribly wrong and i need to get her out of that cell. So like she's in there freaking out - and i have to like get her and then jamie foxx goes on a tear and starts killing everybody in the room and i'm one of those guys all right. It doesn't look like this in the final movie, but you see like okay, that's like my girlfriend and there's all kinds of special effects in the real movie where she we got ta see what happens during the movie and then i'm out there and i'm like yo I'll save you babe, let me kick in this class and then out of nowhere comes jamie, foxx kicking ass behind me smashes my face into the glass and down i go now. I think that that take right there, that was actually a rehearsal and the rehearsal.

I just remember after her, so my little brother said to me: casey you're, not selling it like you're, not selling it like. I don't believe it so then we tried this thing where they taped, like a blood covered sponge to my forehead. So when i hit the wall, it splattered blood that that didn't work either. So then the stunt man steps out and in comes jamie, foxx and as like the spinning around, is happening.
All that's going through my head is like full: send casey sell it sell. You can't just hit the wall of your hand and make the noise you got ta really own. That and jamie like grabs the back of my head and boom, and i should have stopped it because he wasn't using any force. It was all me instead of stopping, i went and then like straight look straight back onto the ground and i just had to play dead, yo yo rao.

Are you nervous about the movie coming out tomorrow, yeah a little bit a little bit? It's so exciting. My baby off to school um, so i'm making this youtube video rel - and it's like it's all about how jamie foxx punched me in the face and gave me a black eye on accident. He didn't punch you in the head. He slammed your face against a plexi glass tank because you asked him to.

I wanted it to be convincing, but i'm worried that he's gon na be mad when he sees it. What he's not gon na be mad he's gon na love. It he loved you, you don't you don't think that, like it's gon na remind him of just what like a goof, i was on the set. You want to call him his number, i'm not calling i'm not calling baby just facetime him.

He loves facetime. I guarantee you jamie foxx right now is starring in some huge movie on set or he's out like doing some charity projects, saving the world's children and he doesn't want a facetime call from casey neistat. You call him rel. Can you call him fine all right, i'm in the idaho airport, let's facetime, jamie, foxx and uh, see if you remember slamming your face against the glass? What are you getting worked doing? Oh, that looks like it feels good, hey.

You don't have to stop. Man keep going what's going on, you remember uh, casey neistat, who was in the movie you when you banged his he banged his head against the glass. Remember that guy. He thinks that you're mad, that you were uh upset.

No he's great! What are you talking about? That's what i said it was worth it right. Yeah, oh man, oh great, like not even not even close, like. Maybe i do have a future in hollywood. After all, you.

By Casey

  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hi love says:

    Oh wow,
    Sweety this vlogging about set no no in Los Angeles entertainment BUISNESS. Hope u had permission. Last person I sat with on "location" posted about movie. Hasn't had job since. Your a cutie. Hope it works out for you.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Hustle says:

    Dude looks like a young Sean Penn or Kirk Douglas, yeah you could have a future as an actor…do you want one?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 350 FPS Airsoft says:

    I came back to this video just to let you know that I saw this movie – the reason it grabbed my attention on Netflix is that you mentioned it before; otherwise, likely, I would just have scrolled up.

    I liked the movie; thanks for sharing the word 🙂

    It's cool to see YouTubers in cameos in movies; so far, I'm aware of you and Anna Akana, but I'm sure there are a few more.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars infinity_sh says:

    Man it must be amazing to say that you fight and get killed by freaking Jamie Foxx oh man that must be lit and cool af lol, we are proud of you casey, you have come a long way and now you are pretty much on movie sets with amazing and big movie actors daang haha

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheOutsidersPost says:

    Putting Casey Neistat in this movie was ridiculous. He isn’t really an actor and what because he’s known on YouTube? They cast people because they have a following on social media that’s so silly.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dandymcgee says:

    I saw the Casey cameo before casey even appeared physically in the film.. he had a headshot on one of the computer screens earlier in the first episode, I don't remember exactly when but look for it. I was like "is that Casey?? nah.. couldn't be" then I saw the motorcycle scene and I was omg.. it was~

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars APRJ FILMS says:

    did y'all notice that he was editing this video while making it💀 look at his glasses throughout the video

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simba3Peat says:

    Yeah I watched it and it’s not a great movie in any sense. If you have time to waste it’s there for you though…🤦‍♂️

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars muhammad abdullah says:

    this is the personality, attitude like you are part of nature not some artificial personality it just simple you nothing supper hero because real supper hero is nature himself and we all bound with it.she just like a mother how gave you strength to behave "HUMANLY" and men (humans) are ignorant enough not able to hold the honor of it.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BW T says:

    Bro, you were a convincing douche who surprisingly cared about your girlfriend. Definitely surprised me when your character panicked around the glass cage. Well done Casey, looking forward to seeing you in future movies.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neal vic says:

    I watched it , on Netflix , I wasn't aware you was in the film , sees a guy looking like Casey on the bike , I thought I recognise this guy , rewind the bit and played it again , " Ha it is Casey"

    Brilliant , I enjoyed the film , was really good , all of it.

    Need to make a series of them power pills

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lizzie1234 says:

    Once, I turned the corner in a small surf shop and almost walked directly into Jamie Foxx. I immediately froze. We stared at each other, and then I backed away very slowly and ran out the door. He definitely causes a major starstruck effect lolol.

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