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Music Taylor Galford;

It's 4 47 in the morning - and this is the start of a of a 500 mile road trip. Air ran over uh, ran over a nail instead of fixing it. I just kind of left it. So the tire leaks air all the time and i got ta constantly refill it.

No, i don't want you to watch more talk all right. Thank you. Take care now, venice, where we are right now, a very shady town and definitely not the kind of place where you want to be out putting air in your tire at four in the morning. There are definitely some unsavory individuals in this neighborhood.

That's why i've got this flashlight if there's any trouble at least i can see it coming and now the uh, the road trip begins in earnest. The next stop is uh 187 miles away. Looks like the sun's coming up the sun's out. I still have another hour and 38 minutes until my next uh, my next stop so so this is just a quick like two day.

Road trip from la up to san francisco he's still up there finishing school and because of travel restrictions and whatnot. It's been kind of hard to see him he's been down to la a couple of times, but it's a lot for him to drive and we don't like him flying because of corona. So you know i don't mind. I don't mind an excuse for a road trip.

Not traveling has certainly been one of the hardest aspects of the pandemic for us, and i don't just mean traveling for fun. I mean like traveling to see family traveling for business things like that. It's a little thing to complain about, but it is something that that i kind of miss so excited for this trip. So this is a um.

This is a sponsored video, it's not sponsored by tick tock, and actually it wasn't going to be a sponsored video but then um donald trump announced yesterday that he's going to ban tick-tock or he wants to bend tick-tock or something, and it made me think of one Of the long-time sponsors of my channel nordvpn, a vpn is a service that uh it hides your internet traffic from your internet service provider. It it does a lot of things to protect you online, but here's how you would use nordvpn to uh access tiktok. Should it ever be banned when an app or an internet service is banned in the united states? It means you can't access it from a us ip address. When you have a nordvpn, you can just choose whatever country in the world.

You want your ip address. To be from, and then voila access to tick, tock now nordvpn does offer a lot of other services um, protecting your identity online, protecting your web traffic important things like that, but also does another really cool thing. If you change what country your ip address comes from and then you go to netflix, you get all kinds of different content, it's also true on, like disney plus, so it's a great way to find new and fresh stuff on netflix. So if you go to casey or use code casey on, you get 70 off a three year plan, they're ending this soon.

So if you want that 70 off or three year plan, which makes the subscription 3.50 a month, dot forward slash casey great way to cheat netflix great way to use tick tock in countries where it's banned, so so so this is a uh. This is um. This is a hotel room. Uh owen invited me to stay at his apartment, but as a this apartment is a very small studio.
So i love the kid, but i opted to stay in this hotel room uh. Instead, hey dad junior, i have arrived, i'm in san francisco um. I was thinking you could drive here and then we could bike and go eat. You have two bikes, no, you would rent one.

That sounds like a great idea. It's a little bit chillier here than it is in la so just gon na put on a little bit something warmer to wear time to go, find the kid so i've i've been a dad. My like my entire adult life, uh like owen's mom, was pregnant. We i was 16 years old when, when we got pregnant with owen and okay, so the other day, i'm out with georgie and franny my two baby girls and i'm with a friend who doesn't have any kids and he's like watching me play with the girls and They're happy and they're lovey and they're giggling and they're being goofy and he's like.

You know what casey you're a great dad and i snapped at him, and i was like you have any idea how easy this is. You know how easy it is to be a dad to a little kid or to a baby. You got to keep them safe. You got to make sure they're, well, fed and they're happy and you're teaching them important values and morals and stuff.

Like that, it's a piece of cake, a little kit piece of cake, try being a parent to a 22 year old, grown ass man. I don't know what to do. It's. It's really, tough.

As a dad. It's real! The older owen has gotten the harder it's been for me to understand what my role is in his life and owen is wonderful. He just he graduated college and he is dean's list and he's just killing it and i'm so proud of him, and i love him. So much, but i don't know where i like it's i don't know where i fit in so with that with owen, i try to just be there, but it's really it's tough for me.

What's funny is of this whole trip, which has been great wonderful with owen the one time i really felt, like a dad, was taking him to the grocery store and buying him whatever groceries he wanted. As a parent, i'm feeding i'm taking care of my child. Anybody who says it gets easier as they get older is full of it and uh all right, bye, buddy, bye, i'll, see you tomorrow see you tomorrow. That was fun right.

Okay, it's still great it's just! I look at him and i miss that little boy where i knew exactly what to do. I'm proud of you, owen owen, doesn't watch my youtube videos. He doesn't he's too smart for that. So you.

By Casey

14 thoughts on “i don’t know what im doing anymore”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elijah Harrison says:

    After all that whole video and listen8ng to what you had to say and knowing that you was being genuine and honest and " I was getting it & That" you where trying to explain, the coolest part and striking part was that I scene in your closing were you two were sitting on that overlook kindaplace and your boy is sitting beside you. When he just throws his arm around you and then you flew that drone off to get that shot! That at was cool as all get out my man and was a very warm endearing moment. that boy is always going to love you and need you and I say this to you knowing you know these things clearly. Don't worry about what role you got to play or what you got to be or anything like of what you were stressing some about in your narration just before that scene in the video. Because you'll be all right and quit overthinking it and use that energy in more q positive direction instead of perhaps causing you ulcers. Because y'all are hunky dory and you've done better than most other parents and I even feel embarrassed somewhat that I didn't do as well as you have ,so Bravo my man just chill out. my son is the same age and your relationship is way more fly than mine and his is it's not like our relationship {my son and myselfs} is a terrible one it's pretty great actually but o envy yours and your son's relationship and the closer-ness you two share. So in closing YOU'RE doing great my man; quit stressing wanting to be cool superhero dad; you still are and he's gonna be too all because of you his cool superhero dad , you ! Then there comes the rewards and the biggest part/roll in your life being superhero Grandpa then you will get worried the worst-est ever in your life but you'll make it through then & that just fine just like you are now!!! Like Jack Nicholson said in that movie "Anger Management",. *Gooefraahba*!!!
    Sincerely and keep on keeping on, Elijah Harrison
    P.s please forgive me if I overstepped any bounds and please forgive my rambling I just was compelled by that spot in that video to say all this and I just feel like you will understand because when people are genuine you tend to know it and I'm being genuine myself you really brought out some warm fuzzy shit in me and I just had to tell you all about it in my deflective and abstrct way I guess. So I hope I didn't overstep boundaries and I didn't ramble too much, peace ❕❕❕

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E G says:

    It’s ok to spend 40 bucks to repair your tire when you make millions as a YouTuber. Hahaha! That’s why you have a larger than life fan base. Despite your fame, you’re still just a normal guy. That’s admirable Casey. 👍

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Insane E Wheels says:

    Don’t tell people about it bro, there are millions of users fuc&@ing crazy to resume their tiktok account🤪🤪in India

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars English & You says:

    I wish my father had been like Casey! One knows how precious it is to make a great bond with your father. True it is that my father didn’t and doesn’t love me but he has been my father for the last 38 years. I try to make my son happy watching your Movies and inculcating the qualities of a father from you. You are an incredible father. A great father. Thank You Casey🙏🙏🙏 for having made such Movies for those who are bereft of the gift of fatherly affection to be showered with despite their father being alive and been living with them since the beginning.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peacock Watcher says:

    It's all fun and games until the vlogger indirectly calls you stupid for watching the videos…….
    Was fun while it lasted.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nerds Playhouse says:

    “It’s a piece of cake to raise kids”…
    Yea when you work 18 hours a day lol
    Let’s ask your wife if she thinks it’s a piece of cake.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nerds Playhouse says:

    Still think China using TikTok to spy on US citizens was bullshit? LoL
    Your opinion didn’t age well did it. LoL. It’s okay. We all make stupid decisions and observations.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sheltered Gringo says:

    Casey might just be the only Tesla owner who's LiftMaster is scotch taped together, with no plans of changing it.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wrd90 says:

    My kids are 6, 4 and 2. Since I became a father I've been afraid of them growing up into adults and not being that little kid anymore. Man this video doesn't help my fear. I've learned that as they grow, as a parent I grow with them but its not easy. You've got to appreciate the fun moments when they happen. Take as many videos and pictures as possible because it's so unbelievably easy to forgot little parts that mean so much.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Cezar Villaflor says:

    since 2015 i've been wathing video of this man, i love drone and skateboard and how he tell a story so smooth

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Dudelino says:

    I really got you. I think my parents also struggle with what to do with me because while we still talk regularly and WhatsApp every 2 days or so and have a great relationship, with my career path in the gaming and marketing industry it's difficult for them to give me advise. Which is what most parents want to do, you know give good advice. But my business world is a complete different one than theirs and I am too old to tell me to date this girl and not that one because of yxz reasons :O)

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Jones says:

    I know exactly how you feel brother. I have two son's mid 20's Doin their thing.. Gods I love those guys.. Right in the feels with this one. Brilliant great stuff Cacy. 😎

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nickythebat - says:

    Such a simplistically beautiful video about a man and his son. A kid who raised a kid who has now become a man. I’ve loved your videos since 2014 and I probably always will. You are easily my favorite creator on the planet and I appreciate you so much for being alive

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Candy Soul And Soil says:

    I love this Casey. I’m an older single mum and my eldest has Sms so I never quite know what I heading to but I hear you on this x

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