it was a serious break. been 9 weeks and I still cant workout or surf or anything like that.
jesse -
jesse's gf Tawny -
music by

Out of a late one, last night, it's early, but I got ta tell you. This story see this. This isn't supposed to look like that. This is a normal collar bone.

This is a totally messed up, Colin see how it sticks out normal, not normal, normal, not not normal. So this is this story of how I broke my collarbone in two places into three pieces. About eight weeks ago now, my dear friend Jesse invited me to a thing called Burning Man. Basically, fifty thousand people in the middle of like a desert riding bikes looking at light-up, aren't objects, but to be totally clear.

My main motivation in going is because I want to hang out with Jesse he's one of my closest friends. Now most people go to this thing for like a week or two weeks, or something like that. I had one night, mostly because Candace didn't understand why I wanted to leave the family to go ride, a bike in the desert. Now, because I only had one night I couldn't drive in it was far away.

I had to fly there and I should have known when things started to go wrong at the airport, that maybe this trip was not meant to be now. This wasn't like a regular commercial airline. They have these little propeller planes and fly you there, and then we have great on the desert. Now you have to look at months in advance, which I did and there's only like a couple of these flights.

Now, naturally, I missed the flight now because it was such a tiny little airport there weren't any terminals or like any like it, wasn't a desk there's just one dude sitting there behind the counter. Thank you, but I asked this guy there, any other flights. Is there anything I could do and he's like? No, that was like a plane that was chartered by the event. It was one plane and that's it.

The only other flights leaving are like people's private jets, taking them to other places. So I decided to sit there and ask if anybody was going to like Black Rock Desert or the place where I was going. So I was literally hitchhiking in like a private jet Airport terminal. Now the first couple of people I asked weren't even going there.

They looked at me like a crazy person like. Why are you asking to on our plane? Then? Then I saw some people in funny outfits and I knew they were going where I was going, but those people said no, they were going the same place, but they said no, they were like. Look, we don't know you and we don't want you on our flight. It hurt my feelings, but I kind of understood I don't know if I'd want me on my private flight either and then sure enough.

These two dudes come walking in like an hour later, their names were Pasha, Pasha and Georgie. They were great. We had an amazing time in the plane they had like their own private jet. Then I got there at like 10 o'clock at night, like eight hours later than I was supposed to get there and keep it by it.

I was only supposed to be there for one day now. This place is huge, the size of a city and there's no cell phone service there. So I've got a fine Jessa. Now I brought my one wheel balance thing with the wheel pedal that has a motor takes me about an hour using the information I have now when I found Jesse he was leaving me a note on the door of his Winnebago.
That said, Casey we've been waiting. The whole day, but couldn't find you and then there was like, if you find this note, tears, were to look as he was paying. That up was what I found it. It was amazing.

It was like a very joyous celebration, so then Jesse and I and Jesse's girlfriend like hold Flicka friend. She got in our electric bikes and we went out exploring whose fun a lot of fun and as that amazing night was winding down all my friends and I decided to ride our bike out the middle of nowhere to watch the Sun Rise. But my flight was at 8:00 a.m. and it was already like 6 a.m.

I was like 2 hours left, so I decided I decided to leave the group and go off on my own to one last one wheel ride just like just to take it all in Before I had to leave now, for whatever reason, Jesse decided to come on this ride with me so like one minute into the ride, I was like Jesse dude, you're, beautiful, loving girlfriend is back there by herself during the sunrise. Romantic month, go be with her. Don't come with me and he was like all right Casey. Thank you for saying that, and he went back with his girlfriend and I continued by myself into the desert.

So there I was floating along the Desert Sun coming up the most beautiful scene ever it was. It was hypnotised and then out of nowhere, I must have hit a hole or something because the one-wheel it tipped forward and I went fly and the second I hit the ground. I knew I could feel the snap I reached my arm into my shirt and I feel where there was like a bone like like a bone, but instead of a bone, it was like. It was like sticking your hand into a warm bowl of mashed potatoes.

I knew I knew immediately that it was broken. I just didn't know how bad it was broken. I knew I was hurt, but I didn't want to have to like wreck my friends remaining time there. By being like help me, I broke myself, so I decided to deal with it all alone.

I decided to deal with it by myself, so I went back to the RV where jesse was staying. I cleaned myself up. I even left them a little note. It said Tony and Jessie's T & J, see you in Venice love faces with no explanation.

I was worried that you didn't have a good time. I knew that everything is. Why didn't tell you anything and then I got back on my one wheel with the busted shoulder with my backpack and I went the nearest like emergency tent and someone helped me. So that's the story.

I've been to the hospital here in Los Angeles like three times since, to get it looked at and checked out, I'm expected to make a full recovery in about another month, but yeah. That's a great story about a horrible situation.

By Casey

10 thoughts on “a horrible situation”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hunter Aiken says:

    just perfect storytelling Casey, and the editing alongside with is amazing as well. Miss videos like these!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Dudelino says:

    Do you guys realize that he just told a story over multiple continents with like 20 scenes while talking into the camera? I honestly have no idea how he does that. Most Youtubers use recorded footage and talk over it but he talks on the scene all the time with literally weeks in between them. Casey, do you storyboard them? How do you plan such a thing as a one men army :O)

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marlboro Man says:

    I had the same kind of feeling in the beginning of this video

    maybe this comment is a part of it.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivars says:

    Such a trip and you didn't took even a cellphone shot? Wow! Missed opportunity is a kick in a bud 😉

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 302 Onewheel says:

    "I must've hit a hole or something and it tipped me forward." AKA, you ignored the pushback, were going way too fast, and you experienced a nosedive. Sorry dude.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terrence Tyson says:

    This is SERIOUSLY the greatest vlog ever. Telling the story from Miami to LA without missing a beat.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AlbertBlackout says:

    I’m not hating, but damn I would hate to live life and always remember my memories in dimmed light I don’t know just a thought

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Jones says:

    Amazing story telling, sorry to hear about your collar bone even though it happened a while ago, you are inspiring me to create stories and your advice to start and I'm doing just that thank you

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M750 says:

    People going to Burning Man, telling another person going to Burning Man "No", when he's asking to hitch a ride with you. The spirit of that event is dead, and it's just a 'cool thing' for rich people to throw on the IG.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Alex Hendel says:

    suddenly that tweet from about three weeks ago with you in a hospital gown with you buttocks fully exposed & revealed for all of twitter to see makes a lot more sense..


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