Ah Britany, what does it say so I woke up this morning a 38 year old guy who's married and has three kids. When did that happen? 93? Are you are you older? Are you young yeah? How old are you time is not equal? The older you get. The faster it moves, I just mean that when you think of the the scope of your life, that's a unit of time, we all understand uniquely I'm 38. I know what 38 years means and 1 year, as a percentage of that is pretty small but 4.

So we all get one lifetime. This is the constant, no matter who you are, how long you live. You only get one lifetime in a year, the years that make up a lifetime. Well, this becomes the variable.

I'm 38 she's 5. I've got 38 years, Bernie's. Five. Five years, so, as a percentage of my whole life, a year is only 2.6 percent of that life, but for Franny who's five one year for her is 20 percent of her life a year, for me, is seven times faster than a year for her.

Remember being a little kid remember: how long a year seemed it was like an eternity now think back to last year and the thing that I've only recently the thing that I've recently come to appreciate is how much of that life you spend focusing on the future Versus focusing on the past, this is my notebook from 2003, this crazy chart here, it's just labeled dominate and it's my my plan to dominate in life written in 2003. Now I was young, then I had accomplished very little so when I thought of my life, when I took inventory of what my life was, it was largely aspirational is about where I wanted to be in the future, not what I'd done in the past. So this is life. This is where you start.

This is where you end, and this is me, a life is defined by the things you've done in the past, as well as the things you aspire to do in the future. Looking ahead, looking back and as I grew up, especially as it became like a teenager and when I moved to New York City, I realized that what define me were my aspirations were the things that I wanted for myself in the future. So if you imagine me in nineteen year old me and saying 19 or old case, he'd tell me about yourself. I wouldn't have talked about my past.

I wouldn't have talked about the c-minus. I got in 10th grade English other than a job that I hated her. That I lived in a tiny apartment with three roommates. I would have talked about my future.

The things I wanted to do the life I wanted to build my dream, my aspiration. I lived in that future and that's what defined me that started. Looking back, I realize I've accumulated a lot in life. In my in my 20s.

I've accumulated so much that defined, who I was. I was still largely defined by my aspirations, but my past started to started to feel like it was contributing to who I was then, and now I find myself here. I'm almost 40. I've lived through my 20s.

I've lived through my 30s and I slept my aspirations, but so much of Who I am has been defined by my past. Now you like this room - oh my god, leaving high school, leaving my parents house having a kid moving to New York City September 11th. That's 20 year old, Casey riding my bike up the Westside Highway to get away from get away from the towers getting my first real job quitting my first real job being single meeting Candice getting married starting a family. I feel like a dozen years of trying finally figuring out my career.
Yes, I'm starting a proper and daily vlog that fear and uncertainty that that really defines early adulthood. All of that is in my past life life is this freight train and it leaves the station slowly, but it picks up momentum and it goes faster and faster and faster, and then you wake up one day and it's 2020 and you're not a kid anymore, and You become that adult that you remember when you were kid. You remember looking at thinking I'll, never be that old, but you will be that old and there's nothing, there's nothing. You can do to change that happy 91st birthday there.

Thank you sweetheart. What would I do without you KC? How does it feel to be 91? She was my hero. That was my grandmother when she was a kid. She discovered her her love for dancing.

That was her passion, her dreams. She realized it her whole life, and I remember vividly having this conversation with her just before she died. Just after that, video of her birthday was taking place, we're in her dance studio. The walls are covered in pictures from her career like her performing for the troops during World War.

Two her on Broadway in the late 1930s, and I said to her, I said Nana I said Nana. Your life has been so exceptional, your past so extraordinary. But what do you think about in terms of your life when you think about the future Nana which of your upcoming birthdays, would you say you're looking forward to the most and she said in her infinite wisdom? I don't think about the future and then she said - and this is the point - this is the point of all and then she said but but when I wake up in the morning, I'm so grateful to have one more day that that is what I focus on. I focus on right now.

I try to think about that every day. I try to think about that. Every day, when I wake up, I know from experience that spending too much energy romanticizing the past or dreaming about the future can come at the expense of appreciating today and I'm not 92 years old, and I hope I've got a long long future ahead of me. But I don't know what I do know is that I've got right now and that's pretty great.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you might just miss it. I said it before and I'll say it again: life moves pretty fast, you don't stop and look around once in a while. You could miss it.


By Casey

14 thoughts on “WHAT JUST HAPPENED?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tanu shukla says:

    Thank you Case.
    The way you kept Godfather on a go in your studio. I keep you on in my office.

    Thank you for sharing the way you have done.. Love from India.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wrecker Cooking Channel says:

    These videos are just straight up genius. You are such an amazing and incredibly genius person. Keep doing what you are doing.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FiRNa says:

    Btw, when u did wear braces, did u get any of your teeth removed? Just curious. Becoz ur look changed quite a bit..

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicole D'Antoine says:

    I was looking through your channel and this was the first video that came up. Three days ago my nanna died and it hasn't hit me yet, it has made me contemplate life, what its about and how we only live once so I'm telling myself to not dwell in the past to try and actually live my life not just motion through it and to try and fix my marriage that is literally falling apart in every sese of the word or to make a hard.heartbreaking decision and move on for us both because we deserve real love and happiness. The universe always sends you signs when you need them and this video was mine. Thank you Casey.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Naval Kumar Shukla says:

    This is so lovely. I was feeling a little low, but now I'm feeling much better. Thanks Casey and his Nana

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sherry Reese says:

    Looking at the shit you draw and say it's a fucking wonder you are even able to write… or… walk.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leon Klier says:

    Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you might just miss it.
    – Casey Neistat, 2020

    Greate quote.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BloomFilms says:

    Every so often I come back to this video. It's such a great reminder in a time like now where everything feels like it's moving 100 miles an hour.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Chou says:

    come from vsauce when he talk about time i immediately think of this video
    Definitely one of his best work

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Earth Earth says:



  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnny Kim says:

    Omg it's about to end 2020 in 1 hour already
    Feels like i saw this video popping up yesterday 🤣

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sic Parvis Magna says:

    "It's not that we have a short time to live with that we waste a lot of it" – CN

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Conner says:

    Needed some Casey today. Been missing your stuff since late October. I'm sure the point about living for today remains the same but would love to hear your thoughts about this year 1 year later. Whenever something prompts a memory from a year ago involving expectations for this year, I think, "Wow. Could we have been more wrong?" Not that we could have known. As I write this, now I'm thinking, "Do I need to make 2 (or even 3) plans for 2021?"

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wheelchair Frankie says:

    Love this Casey. Another absolute gem of wisdom! So important during these difficult times.

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