to make a donation and a resource for those in need of food assistance;
100% of merch proceeds donated to Feeding America
music in this video is from;

So I shot this whole video yesterday about and just about cope at 19 and how it's affecting my life and then this morning I got a text from my closest friend, Dan Mays yeah. I just I got a call from King for my doctor and he was like you positive, and I was like positive for what he's like positive for the coronavirus. Dan's fine he's, you know, he's gon na be fine. Most of the effects of the corona virus.

He's already experienced and he's doing well he's just kind of he's he's the first person that I know he's the first person very close to me, who has been confirmed to have the virus Candace put these outside of our house, so you can before you before. You come in, I just I just can't get over how weird this whole thing is like how strange a phenomenon this pandemic is. What's what feels different about. This is that it affects everyone, someone who lives in China and you're in Wuhan, and you were the first person be affected by this or you're.

My friend in South Africa, you're also affected by this I'm affected by this, and the clerk at the grocery store is affected by this. It's like we are all in this together and that's the thing. That's the part. That's that's strange for me.

That's the thing that makes it feel so weird, it's like there is no good guy and bad guy there's. No, no one did this to anyone and we're just we're all being impacted, and because of that, we we all have to work together to overcome this, and I don't know, definitely am NOT in my lifetime, but I can't think of another circumstance in modern history where That has been the case globally, we're all in this together, it's 2:00 in the afternoon right now, and this is like a line of people waiting to get into this grocery store. How have you guys been dealing with just letting a few people in out of time and you're living in what people can buy, so the kids are home from school. Keeping them busy during the day is really hard to do.

Candice is doing an amazing job of like putting together, worksheets and curriculums and she's doing all the heavy lifting, but it's tough. Why do we have to wash our hands so much? What's the coronavirus, this street here is called Abbot Kinney. It's like a big shopping street near this street would be packed on a Friday. These sidewalks would be as crowded as can be I've.

Never I lived near here. I've never seen it this this quiet down here and every store. Almost every store has a sign that says we're closed. The the weed store here is kind of the only store open on the whole street priorities.

California priorities in a day-to-day was just like you know we're stuck in our house we're just killing time. We have been taking the kids out when we can be responsible. They have to get out of the house while respecting social, distancing, we're still doing family bike ride. Just get out of the house go around the block, kids like and then I've also been running and I've been surfing every day.

Yeah. Basically I like fell over. Basically, I run and I serve, and I run along this path here - not a lot of people and then I I i surf right here in the water and when you're out in the water you're, not near people. So I'm happy that my hobbies are socially distancing.
Hobbies anyways I like to run I like to serve. That's it. I am glad I'm here, I'm glad I'm in Southern California, mostly because we have a lot of opportunities to go outside and I think back to what it would be like in New York and while I'm sad that I'm not there to experience it and you know Place it feels like my home. I'm definitely glad to not be there yo.

What's it like there bucks. I just show you yeah dude, look at Broadway. It is. It is an absolute ghost town Casey.

It is 70 degrees here any other day. There would be millions of people out like this bus bus drivers wearing a mask and that bus is empty. So it's weird man, it's weird. I wish you were here to just feel what it's like here, because I've never experienced anything like I remember hearing about it.

It was like back in February, it was in the news: it occupied the same space in my brain that, like the swine flu and bird flu and SARS all these diseases that, like in my lifetime, I've heard about but they're a little bit like the boogeyman. Like you hear about it, but they I don't remember any of those Dizzy's having like any impact on me. Personally, I don't remember them ever actually like touching me and then like one by one. Things started happening the night that I found out: Tom Hanks Tom Hanks Tom Hanks and his wife had contracted kovat 19 and then the NBA announced their we're gon na have any more games that made it so that that moment made it so real.

For me, like in that exact moment, how do you feel now? No I'm trying my hardest not to panic, but at the same time I'm also thinking like I try to get a text and I got a doctor to come to my house. This is in Los Angeles, so doctor came to the house and he was like sorry. You be not a lot of tests for coronavirus and I was like what do you mean you can't test for the coronavirus. It was like we just not listening to any tests for the grandma, that's who i confide in a doctor that comes to my house, like a medical professional that said to me, we not allowed to test for the corona virus unless it's absolutely severe.

So you obviously don't have the virus and, like i think that that mentality is wrong right. If you had known when that doctor came to see you, the urine had corona you wouldn't have flown to South Africa. You wouldn't have seen you know ways with my parents, because I didn't feel sick anymore. I thought it's a little bit weird, but I didn't feel like I had the Korean virus.

One thing: that's really super strange is: if you played like Grand Theft, Auto or you've ever been to Santa Monica or Venice, you know lax is there so right here is where all planes take off like all day, every day planes and there are no planes. I like film, this area with the zoom lens and all time-lapse. It no planes no plane from the sky like you're a healthy 29 year old. What were the symptoms like? Was it bad yeah? When I was trying to tell everybody, I was like guys, I'm seriously sick, something's, not right.
It's in the doctor was like you know, there's nothing. We can really do except treated like a flu that couldn't like breathe properly. That was the whole thing. It was like.

My my lungs were so heavy and I'd get keen and I'd stand up. I feel like I was gon na faint and then I'll go to sleep and wake up like 10 hours later. What is going on? I always wear a fanny pack. Now it's really difficult to know like in your brain, how to feel about something like this and it.

The feeling is overwhelming, like I feel overwhelmed by this, but that's contradicted by the fact that, like I'm genuinely not scared of the virus, I'm not scared of being sick. I feel like those things I see is like inevitable, like it's, I'm definitely gon na get sick. I hope I'm less sick than more sick, for whatever reason that part doesn't scare me, I'm able to understand and accept that the aspects of this that, like scare me, are the things that no one's working right now and you look at like numbers. I was reading the New York Times an article about unemployment like a plication to get money, unemployment checks and it's the numbers are all off the charts.

I think of it. In terms of my dad. My dad has a coffee shop and he's like handling money and interacting with people all day, so I'm glad he closed it down. But my dad has a bunch of employees and all this like food, that's gon na go bad in the coffee shop and like this is my dad's coffee shop so come here, and then you realize it's not just my dad, but it's all over the country.

All over the world, that's what people are being confronted and that scares the that scares it out of me. The scariest times in my life were those moments where I couldn't make ends meet and when you have an external force, something that's out of everyone's control and it's preventing people from doing what they do to make a living which pays for their food. That scares me, so what does this mean for your wedding right? It's RINs, two things. It's like.

Obviously the wedding's been postponed, told the same man, but then I was like gobs and I we were like. We should still just go and get married like it's. Some small talk South Africa, and then I was planning all of that and I thought that that would be so romantic great, but not leave my to the priest dad. What the case is he's gon na come in the earth, has mat-su time, stay home of wheat people and look anytime there's like a there's, not gon na hurricane.

When there's big waves, there's always that jerk out there surfing. If there's ever a huge snowstorm in New York City, there's some jerk who gets on his snowboard behind a truck and races around Manhattan, just to be cool, the thing is that jerk on that snowboard is putting himself in danger and maybe he's putting his friends in Danger because they're out driving when they shouldn't be to not heed the warnings of from the CDC from the w-h-o to not stay home. To not respect what's being asked here, doesn't just put you in jeopardy. The way that I put myself in jeopardy by running around during a snowstorm, it puts everyone in jeopardy.
That should be enough motivation to keep you at home. That should be enough motivation to keep you away from crowds or any gatherings whatsoever. So to end this, one of the things that's been tough for me is not knowing how to help. How can I help those in need, so I had an idea to like make custom shirts or something, and we could sell them and donate all the money to a non-profit.

I don't know that we're gon na be able to make shirts so instead Phan joy. That does all my work. So I said they've got some old merch. So here's what we decided if you go to shop, Casey, Neistat kampf you ever wanted to buy any of my old sweatshirts or t-shirts, we've discounted them and then a hundred percent of the proceeds.

So that means the cut that I would take in the cut that fan joy, the company. It makes my my merch the cut that they would take a hundred percent of that's being donated to feeding America PD America is a nonprofit that feeds you know. People in need all over this country. I also made a personal cash donation to feeding America, but if you go to shop Casey - and I STATCOM - if you don't - want to buy any of my old shirts - which I understand, there's a link there, where you could donate any amount of money to feeding America, Which is the important part on their website? It says one dollar can provide 10 meals to those those in need, and also, if you are someone in need, you can find on their website where to find food banks and other places like that, where you could find resources for you and your family.

If you find yourself in a compromised position, because of all this, are you using this boba? You got it flip it there don't touch it. Hey I'm thinking of all of you, not just my fellow Americans, but people all over the world who might see my YouTube videos who might be dealing with this and good luck. Stay healthy, wash your hands a lot stay away from people all right! I'll see you later, you.

By Casey

10 thoughts on “My Best Friend Got The Coronavirus”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T. Michelle Hauser says:

    October 2021 ~ We're still affected by this — now it's the Delta variant; and, it goes on and on … 😷😷😷

    P.S. To think you uploaded this in the 1st few DAYS of lockdown … We could use an update from you Casey.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LukewarmApe says:

    Man its crazy how different peoples attitudes and knowledge was of the virus. Back then when you heard someone had covid you fully expected that theres a good chance they could die. Its quite funny how Franny was right compared to everyone else in the vlog; its just a more infectious flu.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jodi bales says:

    It's an intelligence test…if you believe all the government and media hype about corona virus your stupid…this is tyrany

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keun Seo 근후 says:

    I just missed the time I was able to go to the gym full of people sweating right next to each other. I missed the time I was able to sit next to bunch of people in my favorite Korean BBQ spot in Korea town. So many people’s business is ruined in South Korea and here in California. It sucks.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Russell Teo says:

    Would anyone have believed 8 months later USA now has 17 million cases, from 22k. That is just mind blowing.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CassyBlaze says:

    I'm not saying this is true but there have been reports of people completely isolated in their home and somehow still getting the virus.. strange.. everyone stay safe

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sally Misso says:

    Thanks Casey, in second lockdown, extended by another 2 weeks, in Melbourne Australia working from home and getting through it

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Chapman says:

    Hey casey just seen this just wanted to update people, in England it was bad then okay then great now where I live its bad again and its really hard for me trying to get and find work too as I am a stage technician I've toured england multiple times with bands and im afraid that my industry is at rock bottom but hopfully festival that are social distance come soon and I just wanted to say Its great that your doing videos again they make my really happy in the days where everything is dark but I'm glad your back and hope everyone is dojng great

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tommytomtime says:

    And now ( sept 2020) the hoax is clearly visible…… WAKE UP SHEEPLE. or get in line like a muzzled zombie for a dr. billy gates shot.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vanessa Ruiz says:

    i understand, you are rich and we are not, but i expected more of you. I thought you'd defend freedom and, at least, refrain from talking about this. But no, you chose to deceive people.

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