thanks NordVPN for always being chill with my ideas. Go to or use code CASEY to get 70% off a 3 year plan plus 1 additional month free.
if youre in a position to help others financially this is GREAT way to help directly -
I Believe by Jordyn Edmonds feat. Ty Heeter
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50 000 was the amount of money. I could convince one of my sponsors nordvpn to give me so i could give it away so this today is like a a direct action project. Direct action is my favorite way to give. That means you just give money directly to people rather than going through a charity which maybe takes a small percentage for its overhead, or anything like that.

You just just literally give money to people, but you have to be really thoughtful when finding people to give money to so i asked my friend mike to help me out. How are you doing man you've been good. I've been good man. We blindly asked people on social media, you know if they've been laid off from their job or if they were having a tough financial time, and we responded by saying that we wanted to give them a care package.

The package is all over here's some right here. This stuff is a commodity right here, it's a hot commodity. I tried to get um some mass. I couldn't get them all by today, so the idea here is that the the actual care package is more just an excuse for us to give the cash that's right.

Okay, what are we doing now, all right so um we have two people that are kind of close, hopefully, they'll want to share their stories with us and and they'll appreciate the care packages elijah you coming yes, now not everybody wanted to be on camera or to Share their stories, so we just we just sent them money, but some people did want to be on camera and did want to share their story and we're local mind. Just reading a little of what this this person said to you yeah, i can't work anymore and my fiance is the sole provider for us. On top of that, she's, the primary kick my primary caregiver with covet 19. Her pay was cut in half.

So so, like many we're struggling to pay the mortgage we're coming to visit in groceries now yeah, he does how's it going how you doing it's nice out today, right, i don't have my gloves on, but i've been spraying my hands. You know so now, before he was diagnosed with als a disease that took his ability to walk and cut his lifespan down to two to five years. He was an emt, a first responder we're also giving people just a thousand dollars cash. Oh no yeah and oh man now his wife there is the sole breadwinner, but because of uh coveted 19, her hours have been cut in half.

How is that how's that pay cut, impacting your ability to you know, pay the bills. Yeah definitely put the stress on everything just uh with mortgage and then just care down the road for me with als, it's kind of like that's one, more added pressure and stress to just think about he shared with us, the the story of when he learned he Had als, it was a reminder that everyone has a story. Everyone has struggles and perspective really helps you appreciate what good you have in life. Bye, guys best of luck to you like the fact that he has something like als and he's smiling and he's happy.

Would that make you feel like um? Well, it makes me feel grateful for what i have. We live in an apartment about 800 square foot, it's not much, but it's a safe place to lay our heads and i'm grateful for it, and i have my mom. That's depending on me for help. I filled out for unemployment, so i'm waiting on that, but i'm not giving up.
I have dreams that i will accomplish in my life mike and i are going around giving a thousand dollars cash. I was in it all started both. I had my dad my dad. He was my name's tony puerto rican from new york.

You know what i mean uh he was, he would have been 70 this year. You know um his birthday just passed actually but anyways um. I grew up with him. You know it was him with my mom.

I don't know why she was not out here, but it's a situation, but there's so much value in taking the time to listen to others. It's it's one thing to read a billboard that says we're all in this together, but to actually take the time to learn what a stranger's day-to-day is is to appreciate that your problems are no greater or less than anyone else's. Thank you. So um i haven't worked in a month um due to the cobit 19 pandemic, and it started with just a day at work as usual on march 13th, which was a friday i'll, never forget it, and i went from having a booked day to literally only servicing Two people and not going back to work - it's been tough um.

I live here with my parents and my four three siblings four of us. My parents have been working for anaheim area the corporation for about 30 years, and this is the first time that you know they've been out of work so right now, i have like no income at the moment, but my boyfriend has been helping me out, like with Buying me food and stuff, and so it's been trying to hang on to whatever we have right now, hey, i believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe that there is greatness dies days on earth ain't promised we just are living on broad time that they're still hoping nowhere. If we just come together, unifying, don't divide strength in numbers, love each other.

That's where our true power lies. I believe in la la message, from above uh stronger than the bullets in a barrel of a gun, gun beauty in the structure be proud of where you come from. Never let them see you down your journey only just begun, i believe in happiness happen. If you practice it activate your inner bliss, then destiny will manifest.

I believe in truth, so keep it g with what you say. If i believe in you, then will you promise to believe in me? Life could be heaven on earth as soon as you realize your worth live your life and you will find those dead minds that so uh. In the end i connected with about 20 people, some i connected with in person like you saw in this video some i connected with, like you know, on the phone, some just twitter dms, and then i cash at them a thousand bucks. The last 30 grand i connected with these awesome volunteers, out of the bay area they're doing something called like the 1k project, where they find families that are like about to lose their.
You know their way of life and they give them a thousand bucks a month. So i gave the other thirty thousand dollars to these volunteers, who are spreading it amongst a bunch of families that they met and they vetted, which is wonderful. If you're a rich person by the way, that's a great way to help people that are really in need and give money directly to them, um info on that is below and and then i do want to give a little bit more love to nordvpn um, the The sponsor the company that like gave me the cash to do all this super awesome of them uh to be hip to this um. If, if you don't use a vpn, you should you should use theirs, because they're cool uh link below for that.

But thank you again, nord. That was awesome. Okay, you know my my biggest takeaway from this whole endeavor is is just to be reminded how important it is to be nice to people everybody's dealing with something. So just just be nice, especially right now: okay, uh good news, so i sent this video to nordvpn for um just to like approve it before i sent it live and they they liked the video and so much so that they agreed to give me another.

20. 000, to give away nordvpn. Thank you, you guys rock and um. That's twenty thousand dollars! That's going to get to go to um a whole bunch, uh, more families that that could really use it.

It's great psyched, okay, bye for good.

By Casey

  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S Rowe says:

    "Just be nice. Especially right now." Amen and roger that. Mask-up, stay safe and take care of those you love. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sxtn102 says:

    Casey! If you get more chances to spread the love, I could really use a laptop with software that protects me for a long while! I already had lost everything due to health issues, and am on a tiny SS, so once Covid hit, it became a totally isolating experience! I live in subsidized housing where no one wears a mask, so I pretty much stay inside, over the air tv (sucks!), and finally an old iPhone a friend passed along to me…won't load any newer software or upgrades but it lets me watch YouTube!!! I used to spend hours doing genealogy research, which I find to be really interesting and really personally satisfying, as I learn so much! But I'm really not able to store that kind of data and rearrange it into story form on an iPhone. Now that I've all the time in the world to research, it just feels like life wasted…
    So, if you have an extra computer laying around, give me a shout on yahoo dot com, would ya? It would really turn things around!
    Your video and storytelling skills set the heights for us all!!! Thanks for all you do in sharing them with us!!! Lynn (sxtn102@…^^^^)

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quinn Culhane says:

    The fact that only one of the people who was shown on camera is a result of the systemic racism that still plagues America. It sickens me to see these people being so affected while rich white people sit in their mansions doing nothing.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars a coastal essence says:

    👌👍📢📣 CASEY . . . this is the kind of 'work', cause and affect that is what I would love to see you connect to further This is what is important in your country as the immense amount of humans in great need is surmounting . With sponsors and connections that you have I would hope that you can, even behind the scenes, be continuing these efforts. This is all that matters … that and as a fun side note, so is that you are getting outta CALI…STAT!! Don't know where Candice has chosen, but we are all here for the ride.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Michaud says:

    Jeepers I'm a single parent on assistance while trying to get on disability and I sure could use help. Living in Canada is expensive.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek Taylor says:

    This is the best thing I’ve seen on the interwebs today. Just saw.
    My son just had a newer son yesterday!!!! Send that fugger some help! 😄😄😄🕺🏾

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rip Fuzz says:

    Lol, first thought 🤔 was "man I wish id known about this, ive been fucked since covid took my job". and then i see the people who they found and heard their stories and then I thought 😢 "man, glad I didn't know about this because it helps tremendously to see all these other people who make me realize that so many others really are in my situation". And the comfort of knowing me and my wife aren't alone is something money cant buy. Foreal, Thx for this video ❤️

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mustapha Trabelsi says:

    [الزعل] : يؤثر على الأعصاب .
    [الخوف] : يؤثر على نبضات القلب .
    [الحرمان والفقد] : يولد الإكتئاب
    كل شخص لديه قصة حزن بداخله .
    وشخص تعب من التضحية .. دون نتائج .
    وشخص يبكي كل يوم على أشخاص رحلوا من الدنيا .
    وشخص يعاني من الغربة حتى وهو بين أهله وعشيرته .
    وأشخاص يقرأون هذا الكلام ليجدوا أنفسهم .. في بعض السطور .
    هي الدنيا .. ولهذا سميت دنيا .
    فقط خذ نفسا عميقا وقل
    " الحمد لله "
    فالقادم أفضل بإذن الله .
    لاتصدق بأن أحدا لا ينقصه شيء .. تأكد بأن الحياة تأخذ من الجميع .
    لا سعيد إلا من أسعده الله..
    فالله هو الذي أضحك وأبكى
    وهو الذي أسعد وأشقى
    وهو الذي أغنى وأقنى .
    لا سعيد إلا من أسعده الله..
    فالسعادة : ليست بالزواج.. ولا بالأولاد… ولا بالأصدقاء..ولا بالسفر.. ولا بالشهادات.. ولا بالماركات… ولا بالمناصب..وﻻ بالرفاهية.. ولا بالبيوت.. .
    السعادة : كل السعادة في إتصالك بالله.
    درب نفسك على كثرة طرقِ باب الله..
    حتى يبقى الحبل ممدودا بينك وبين الله .
    هذه هي السعادة الحقيقية 👌❤
    أسعد الله اوقاتكم 😊🙋👇👇👇
    لايك واشتراك في قناتي

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Yeah says:

    There's one statement touches my heart, we're all in this together, regardless of where you're, no one is out of the loop. That's why we need each other, and be nice and supportive to each other.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey j says:

    Only a thousand to the guy with ALS? I mean I guess they're trying to help as many people as possible. But that won't last a week

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victoria Blanton says:

    The love in this video was so heartwarming . Also, I loved the old school video camera footage . You always are taking your videos and editing to the next level

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rachael J says:

    What an awesome video…we ALL are certainly living in incredibly strange, difficult & uncertain times…YES… “just be nice”….we’re all under the pump right now.
    STAY SAFE everyone ❤️🙏

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sky Line says:

    Pops advice was so true. Amazing what ya'll did with the cash. We all need help right now but we also need each other more. Yes I have no money. Ive lost my company and all my savings and I'm almost 50 years old but I lost my savings because I paid 27 employees for 4 months ended my lease and moved into a 28ft camper. My wife and I lost everything in 2008 when Lehman Brothers fell, we just built back up and boom now its gone. We live in a castle now and I am thankful we have what we have. Way cool Casey. Just sharing my story and I hope that we can start a way to talk to one another. Peace and be well and healthy people. One world, one race, one life. Live it well.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rute Maluma says:

    The film with the Super 8, was beautiful, if in many years i have to show to my sons what happen i will show your movie.

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